So, its been a little while since I've posted an update on my two little precious babies... I had a level two ultrasound last week along with a little scare! At least for a few minutes, but trust me, a few minutes too long! I have a level II ultrasound every 4-5 weeks because this pregnancy is considered high risk. So during the ultrasound I noticed that the tech spent a lot of time on Jacob, more than normal, specially his heart. I asked her if everything was OK and she gave me some blah blah blah answer about the doctor going over the results later. Anyway, the doctor came in and said that baby A (Jacob) had a little more fluid around him than was normal and the reason she was looking at his heart because a cause of this could be heart failure, along with anemia, and/or me having gestational diabetes. He himself started the ultrasound again, and one after another he started ruling things out. PRAISE GOD my little boy does not seem to be in heart failure, or the babies don't seem to be anemic. AND I passed my glucose test early in the pregnancy, and take another in a few weeks to make sure. He didn't seem concerned after the ultrasound, and he thinks things are going to be just fine, and I will continue to follow up with ultrasounds until I have the babies. TRUST ME, the last two words you want to hear during an ultrasound of your baby is "heart failure". Mathew and I know that GOD IS GREATER than any concern that we may have, so we ask that you join us in praying for continued health for our two little ones!
Prayer Requests:
*Pray that the fluid around Jacob goes down to normal levels. (this can also cause me to go into preterm labor)
*I am 25 weeks this week, pray that I will hold these babies in as long as they need to come home healthy!
*Pray for finances as we try to plan for my maternity leave from work.
*Pray for me! I definitely am feeling the effects of carrying TWO babies. I am more sore, more tired, and more OUT OF ENERGY than ever before!
Thank you friends!
The top pic is baby "B" (Selah) The bottom pic is baby "A" (Jacob) Notice Selah's foot in the picture above Jacob's nose- its my favorite!!!!
Adorable pics! Didn't know about your scare...probably for the best...I have enough trouble sleeping :). I will be praying and holding to that truth that God IS in control. PTL the doctor was able to reassure you both.