Wednesday, June 24, 2009
VACATION......I love that word! Right now we are on vacation with close friends of ours in Pompano Beach, Florida. It has been very relaxing. I have absolutely loved spending this time with my family and friends. I absolutely LOVE watching Elias discover new things, such as sand! It was so cute, he stuck his hand in the sand and looked at it as if it were some crazy foreign thing stuck to him. He LOVES the water, beach and pool! Mathew and I were talking about how lucky we were to have a baby that likes trying new things, at least so far.. =) Today is our third day, we'll be here another 2 days and loving every moment of it. I was thinking last night how blessed I felt that we are able to get away like this in such a nice place near the beautiful ocean! The Lord gives us so much, so many things that we don't even need! I am grateful... Pictures are soon to follow!!!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
My First Mother's Day...

WOW! I love being a mom!!! Yesterday was my first Mother's Day, and probably one of the best days ever...Elias got dedicated yesterday! I can't express how much this meant for me. Every year so many babies would stand up before the church and be dedicated with their parents, and all I could ever think was, I CAN'T WAIT until I have MY OWN baby to dedicate. It was so fun, and of course, Elias had to be the center of attention and do his "loud talking" while we were on stage....It was cute though. After church we went to the park with the family and had some yummy burgers my hubby made- I am still full!!! I am blessed to have such a beautiful family. The life verse that we chose for Elias that was shared during his dedication is Psalm 9:1-2
"1I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart;
I will tell of all Your wonders.
2I will be glad and exult in You;
I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High."
This is our prayer for our son, that he would Praise His name and tell of His wonders ALWAYS!!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Elias had his follow-up appointment yesterday with his pediatrician and no more ear infections, yay! His fontanel has been raised the past few days but all we can do is wait until his MRI is done. All considering, he has been a very happy, talkative baby! He is getting to big, we "baby proofed" the house today because it will be a matter a time before Elias is crawling, everywhere!!! =)
Yesterday, Mathew and I were able to finally take time for ourselves and went on a date to watch the Rays SMASH Boston! =) It was fun, and Mathew and I got some much needed alone time. I am so thankful to be married to my best friend!
Yesterday, Mathew and I were able to finally take time for ourselves and went on a date to watch the Rays SMASH Boston! =) It was fun, and Mathew and I got some much needed alone time. I am so thankful to be married to my best friend!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Mother's Day is getting closer...
Elias gets dedicated on Mother's Day! Yay! On my FIRST Mother's Day! =) I remember last year when I was in the first few months of my pregnancy I couldn't wait until next year rolled around, and it was OUR turn to hold our little baby up before the Church and present before all of our family, friends, and especially present him before God! I can't wait to go shopping for his little outfit...Pictures to come!!! ;)
Since we have been home from the hospital, Elias has been a lot more "clingy" than normal. I guess it makes sense, I mean he was held non-stop for three days straight. He is a very happy baby though! He is almost done with his antibiotics, and I can tell he is feeling a lot better...Last night around 3:30 in the morning he woke up crying, which he hasn't done since he was about 3 months old, he has been sleeping from 7p-7a since then.. ANYWAY, I put my hand over his soft spot and felt a slight bulge again, it was discouraging, but this morning it seems to be down again. Doctors said there is nothing really we can do about it until he is seen by the neuro doc, and his MRI is done...Keep praying for my boy! I am sure its just his body reacts to certain situations.... I KNOW HE IS FINE! =)
Since we have been home from the hospital, Elias has been a lot more "clingy" than normal. I guess it makes sense, I mean he was held non-stop for three days straight. He is a very happy baby though! He is almost done with his antibiotics, and I can tell he is feeling a lot better...Last night around 3:30 in the morning he woke up crying, which he hasn't done since he was about 3 months old, he has been sleeping from 7p-7a since then.. ANYWAY, I put my hand over his soft spot and felt a slight bulge again, it was discouraging, but this morning it seems to be down again. Doctors said there is nothing really we can do about it until he is seen by the neuro doc, and his MRI is done...Keep praying for my boy! I am sure its just his body reacts to certain situations.... I KNOW HE IS FINE! =)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Home from the hospital!
We are home!!! Elias is sleeping peacefully in his own crib. THANK THE LORD. The MRI will be done in about two weeks. He is on some antibiotics for his ears, other than that he is perfectly happy! Now, we pray, pray, pray! He has to be sedated for the MRI, and that makes me nervous. We found out that the MRI will be done to rule out something called "sinus pericarnii". Basically, it is a VERY RARE condition caused by some kind of clot that causes the brain not to drain properly. I don't know much about it, and I decided that I WONT google it and try to find out every single thing about it, cause that will drive my little mind crazy. God is in control!!! We believe that!!! Thanks for praying for Elias!!! More posts to come...
update on Elias..Maybe we'll leave the hosptal today?
Well, the Neurologist came in last night around 9:30. To make a long story short he basically said that there was some minor displaced fluid in Elias' head. So, he wants to do an MRI to get a better look at whats going on..He explained to us that there is a drainage system in our brain taking all the fluid that needs to be moved away from the brain. His concern was that there might be some sort of "leak" in his drainage system. Though, he was not so concerned that we need to do the MRI here at the hospital. We will make an appointment with him in a few weeks to get it done. He wants him to get over all the trauma from being in the hospital, and to be healthy and infection free. They have to sedated him for this, and as we all know that is always risky no matter what size you are. (I am very nervous about this) we wait.... We are still in the hospital waiting for his attending doctor to come in and release us. I don't see any other reason for us to be here. He is still getting IV antibiotics, though they will start him on oral antibiotics for his ear infections when we go home. The nurse said all the blood cultures have so far come back negative. PLEASE pray that we leave today! It is like we are in a little cave, poor Elias is so bored, and he needs good sleep!!! Every few hours they came in last night and messed with him, and of course he screamed about it! My baby is so sleepy!
Prayer Request: That we leave today, and that when we go to do the MRI there is absolutely nothing wrong with my son's brain. I don't care what they saw here on the Cat Scan. I HAVE TO believe that God has already taken care of this mess.
Thank you all for praying, we love you! More updates to come soon... we wait.... We are still in the hospital waiting for his attending doctor to come in and release us. I don't see any other reason for us to be here. He is still getting IV antibiotics, though they will start him on oral antibiotics for his ear infections when we go home. The nurse said all the blood cultures have so far come back negative. PLEASE pray that we leave today! It is like we are in a little cave, poor Elias is so bored, and he needs good sleep!!! Every few hours they came in last night and messed with him, and of course he screamed about it! My baby is so sleepy!
Prayer Request: That we leave today, and that when we go to do the MRI there is absolutely nothing wrong with my son's brain. I don't care what they saw here on the Cat Scan. I HAVE TO believe that God has already taken care of this mess.
Thank you all for praying, we love you! More updates to come soon...
Friday, April 17, 2009
Elias had to go to the hospital...
Wow...I am speechless...Where do I begin? Elias came to the hospital yesterday morning because after seeing his pediatrician for high fevers and a bulging fontanel, she thought it best that we we take him to the ER to get a spinal tap to rule out meningitis. (a bulging soft spot can be a sign of meningitis) THANK THE LORD its not meningitis. They did a spinal tap in the ER and the fluid came back negative. They took lots of blood for tests and cultures as well. So far, other than some dehydration and two bad ear infections, thats all that they have found to be wrong. He did have a cat scan of his head in the ER and one radiologist said he might have some issues with the veins in his went ahead and consulted a neurologist to take a look at the results and assess Elias, and decide whether he needs an MRI or not. He is on IV antibiotics now for the ear infections and any other infections he may have. We were just told we have to be here at least another day to wait on the results of the blood cultures and to continue to try and figure out the reasons for Elias' bulging fontanel..
-that the neuro doc doesn't see anything significant and Elias wont have to get an MRI (he will have to be sedated for this)
-that Elias gets some sleep...He did not sleep well last night and he obviously is not taking any of his naps well either.
-for patients and strength for Mathew and Me. Anyone who has had a child in a hospital can relate, it is THE SINGLE MOST HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER HAD TO GO THROUGH! (being a nurse doesn't water it down either). Every time he has to get a blood draw, or be held down, or whatever, my heart hurts so bad. My soul seriously aches..
-and last request, that we are able to leave and go home tomorrow.
Thank you all for praying for us. We know God is THE Great Physician and its not a coincidence that all the tests are coming back ok, God is working! More updates to come...
-that the neuro doc doesn't see anything significant and Elias wont have to get an MRI (he will have to be sedated for this)
-that Elias gets some sleep...He did not sleep well last night and he obviously is not taking any of his naps well either.
-for patients and strength for Mathew and Me. Anyone who has had a child in a hospital can relate, it is THE SINGLE MOST HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER HAD TO GO THROUGH! (being a nurse doesn't water it down either). Every time he has to get a blood draw, or be held down, or whatever, my heart hurts so bad. My soul seriously aches..
-and last request, that we are able to leave and go home tomorrow.
Thank you all for praying for us. We know God is THE Great Physician and its not a coincidence that all the tests are coming back ok, God is working! More updates to come...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Disney World!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My joy!
Can I just say, the absolute best feeling IN THE WORLD is going in my son's room in the morning and seeing his little face light up when I go to get him out of his crib. I have never seen a more beautiful smile in my life. Words can't describe how much I love being a mother. And not just being a mother, but being Elias' mother! He is my joy! And, let me not leave out my husband...What a good father he is! He is so good with Elias and makes him laugh like NO ONE else can make him laugh...Its so adorable, Elias truly loves his daddy.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
sounding more like Jesus...
I am completely floored by the way people talk to each other. Especially, those who claim Jesus as their Lord. Don't get me wrong, I am by far not perfect in any way, shape, or form. Its those who DON'T realize it, that make me not only angry, but sad... I will hand it over to my husband now...
(Mathew) Jennifer and I have been talking about this for sometime. We listen to people in so many different settings that just "sound" nasty towards each other. I don't know if some of this is from the two years I spent in customer service at Geico, but I do know that it is so important that we learn to listen to ourselves when we talk. I am not just talking about the things we say, but the way in which we say them. There is always a better way to say something without sounding nasty. I know that as you are reading this you are thinking of those instances, as I am myself.... A good example is asking someone to move..."Move your feet" said with a negative tone it sounds bad. However, if you change your tone and you say "Please move your feet" the simple please and a calm tone can change that entire statement. It is more than just words. Not to get on the wrong soap box, but where has "please" and "Thank you's" gone? I just ask that the next time we catch ourselves in a conversation with a spouse, parent, sibling, child, friend, boss, or whoever, lets think about the WAY we sound. Whether the conversation is an argument or just a simple conversation, we should take this as a lesson in humility and patience. WE are not the most important, and our agenda IS NOT the most important, Christ is the most important!! And yes, as Jennifer just said, I am sounding "preachy" on purpose because I want you to "hear" my passion and understand my point. -Forever His, Mathew
(Mathew) Jennifer and I have been talking about this for sometime. We listen to people in so many different settings that just "sound" nasty towards each other. I don't know if some of this is from the two years I spent in customer service at Geico, but I do know that it is so important that we learn to listen to ourselves when we talk. I am not just talking about the things we say, but the way in which we say them. There is always a better way to say something without sounding nasty. I know that as you are reading this you are thinking of those instances, as I am myself.... A good example is asking someone to move..."Move your feet" said with a negative tone it sounds bad. However, if you change your tone and you say "Please move your feet" the simple please and a calm tone can change that entire statement. It is more than just words. Not to get on the wrong soap box, but where has "please" and "Thank you's" gone? I just ask that the next time we catch ourselves in a conversation with a spouse, parent, sibling, child, friend, boss, or whoever, lets think about the WAY we sound. Whether the conversation is an argument or just a simple conversation, we should take this as a lesson in humility and patience. WE are not the most important, and our agenda IS NOT the most important, Christ is the most important!! And yes, as Jennifer just said, I am sounding "preachy" on purpose because I want you to "hear" my passion and understand my point. -Forever His, Mathew
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
My heart is heavy this evening as our church family learned that Narda Almonte passed away from cancer. My heart and prayers go out to her husband Wilson, and her son, Julian. Narda is now in Glory and that makes me excited for her. She has reunited with her daughter and is in the presence of JESUS! I tried to imagine her beside Jesus, worshiping him, and my little brain started going out of control! Because I cannot fathom being in the presence of our Almighty Savior, what an overwhelming thought! I am in prayer for her family, and praising God that she is forver healed!
------Update on Elias' bump: Every day the bump decreases in size, THANK GOD. It must have been from him bumping his head somewhere. We are still keeping an eye in it. Also, he gets an ultrasound on his kidney's on Thursday to make sure his little kidney's are doing ok. While he was in the womb, one kidney was larger than the other and they just want to make sure everything is gowing properly. Thanks for praying! -Forever His, Jennifer
------Update on Elias' bump: Every day the bump decreases in size, THANK GOD. It must have been from him bumping his head somewhere. We are still keeping an eye in it. Also, he gets an ultrasound on his kidney's on Thursday to make sure his little kidney's are doing ok. While he was in the womb, one kidney was larger than the other and they just want to make sure everything is gowing properly. Thanks for praying! -Forever His, Jennifer
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Bump on Elias' head...
So, as I was feeding Elias his bottle this morning, I noticed that he had a bump on the top of his head. It concerned me because it was very near to his soft spot, but I wasn't sure if it was actually his soft spot. Anyway, I called the doctor, and he said just make sure it stays soft and doesn't harden up. Also, if he runs a fever I should call him. So, I am blogging this so that you can pray for it to not develop into anything. It may be due to him bumping his head against the crib, or just bumping it somewhere and I didn't notice it before. Pray that is disappears! Thanks for your prayers!
Also, worship and Sunday school at Fishhawk Fellowship (our church) was great today! I am greatful for our church and all the leaders who help show us the way to the Cross! -Forever His, Jennifer
Also, worship and Sunday school at Fishhawk Fellowship (our church) was great today! I am greatful for our church and all the leaders who help show us the way to the Cross! -Forever His, Jennifer
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Well, our son Elias is now 6 months old! We can hardly believe it! It seems like just yesterday we were
Ok, well I have learned that blogging is definitely becoming more popular, so I thought I'd give it try...I thought it would be a cool way to keep all of our family and friends that don't live in Florida up to date with whats going on in our lives! So bare with me as I learn this "blogging thing" and enjoy! -Forever His, Jennifer
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